Services for Hazardous Substances

Many businesses are unable to avoid working with hazardous substances, which are defined as substances and mixtures that are toxic, irritant, corrosive, carcinogenic, highly flammable or hazardous to the environment. If a company intends to handle such substances, it is required by law to conduct risk assessments and implement safety measures.
Our experts analyze the risks involved with the hazardous substances used at your company and work with you to develop safety measures in line with legal regulations such as the German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV) and the relevant German Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS). As experts we help you conduct risk assessments and derive occupational health and safety measures based on those assessments.
You can rely on our experts' in-depth knowledge of hazardous substance management. Their aim is to establish a hazardous substance management system tailored to the needs of your business and thereby optimize occupational health and safety at your company.
Our portfolio